Friday, March 22, 2013

better late than never

 The title to this post has to do with two things. First, I am sorry for not updating the blog in a while. Work has been crazy. So I say better that I start reposting on here late than never. Second, today we had a great ride on the snowmobile. Last week it was like 60° and the snow was almost melted completely off the road. This week it decided to really dump yesterday and today. It was one of the best rides of the season even though it is officially spring now. We were riding on about 2' of fresh fluffy powder.     It was a ton of fun even though we where socked in most the day.

Below is a quick video if me from last week. Hope you like it.

  Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 1, 2013

Getting back into the groove

I have been having trouble lately finding extra time in my day to write something to the blog. I am sorry. I am working on as project at work that has been requiring a lot of my attention and time. By the time I get home the last thing I want to do is turn on the computer. I hope you understand.  The project should be done in a month or so. Then I will be able to focus again on the blog, and forum, and YouTube videos.

Thanks for your interest,