Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Best Powder of the Season

On December 27th 2012 we got up on the mountain right after a big storm.  Well actually we got up there during the storm, but the biggest part of the storm happened the day before.  It was so much fun to Boondock with powder flying over the hood.  It was the first time that the snow has been deep enough to clog up my intake system and bog the sled down a little bit.

Bogging... It sucks really bad to have less power up on the mountain when you need it most.  I have read that the earlier model Summit XP's have had the problem where the intake gets clogged with snow on the filter and then bogs the motor down.  There are a couple of solutions out there that I have been looking into.  There are some "do it yourself" solution (I like those) and some buy off the shelf solutions.

One of the off the shelf solutions that I saw last year was these little doors that you install on the top of your air box.  They are cool because they stay closed unless the motor draws a certain amount of vacuum and the stock intake cannot deliver the amount of air needed.  These are perfect for when the intake is clogged with snow.  When you stab the gas the little doors open up allowing enough air to get to the carbs.

I did a search for these and I cant find them anymore.  So I am asking for your help.  If you know what I am talking about and know where I can find them, please leave a comment here letting me know where they are.  Or better yet, go sign up on the forum www.DiscussPowerSports.com and start a post about it.

Anyways here is a video of our ride.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. I can get them. They have to be ordered.... give me a call for details.
    KaN Powersports
    (801) 686-4556
