Saturday, September 29, 2012

Things don't always go as planned

Ok, so what do you do when things don't go as planned???  You make the best of it.

Every time you go out on a snowmobile there are new challenges.  No base, no snow, sugary snow, avalanche danger, very deep powder that is easy to get stuck in etc, etc.  Each new snowstorm brings these challenges. You can spend a day digging somebody out who got stuck, or spend a day with no hiccups at all (rare).  In the case of the video you could merely be trying to help someone out, and have an accident yourself (you will see what I mean.)  Just remember Even digging out a 400+ lb snowmobile from ditch for three hours is better than a day at work, or cleaning the house, or completing whatever honey do list you have.

Keep on the Throttle

PS. I am the stuck one, and PinNgiggle is the one who hit the tree. :)  Your two authors at their best.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the video quality is low. Blogspot automatically downgrades quality when you upload it.
