Monday, October 8, 2012

Cornice Jumping Anybody

Winter is getting closer and closer. My wife keeps telling me that she is not ready for winter yet. I keep countering with BRING IT ON. I am so excited for this snowmobiling season. I have upped my gear this year with the addition of a BCA avalanche air bag system, Contour GPS helmet Camera, Suspension upgrades for my sled, and other various changes to be safer, or to help have more fun.

 One of my best rides last year was with my brother. The same brother that shattered his knee (read my blog post named "Wrecking" for this story.) It was the day after one of our larger snowstorms. The snow in a lot of places was up to our hoods. On this particular occasion we found a Cornice that was steep and had a sharp lip at the top. We spent several hours tearing it up. Out of all that time there, we didn't get a lot of video but here is a quick edit of what we did get that was remotely entertaining.

Thanks for Reading,

First attempt imbedding a video. Let me know in the comments if the quality is better, or if there are any issues.

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